The Borneo Tribal Tattoo Designs | Modern Tattoo Designs Inspired by Borneo Tattoos [FOTO]
Modern Tattoo Designs Inspired by Borneo Tattoos
An example is the tradition of tattooing in both culture “Dayak Iban” and “Dayak Kayan”. In the second tribe, tattooing was believed to be a symbol and a means to express the natural rulers. Tattoos are also believed to ward off evil spirits, and cast out the spirit of death or illness. Tattoos as a form of expression to God associated with Dayak cosmology. For the Dayak community, nature was divided into three: top, middle, and bottom. Symbols representing the cosmos visible on the motifs of hornbills, moon, and sun. Middle world, human life, symbolized by the tree of life. Meanwhile, the dragon motif showing the underworld.
The Borneo Tribal Tattoo Designs | Modern Tattoo Designs Inspired by Borneo Tattoos [FOTO]
In Dayak culture, tattoos are not only apply by men but also in women. Until now, they think of tattoos as a symbol of art and dignity. Although Dayak doesn’t recognize caste, “Tedak Kayaan” aka women were tattooed, considered lesser compared to the tattooed. There are three common types of tattoos used Kayan Dayak women. Among other “Tedak Kassa”, which covers the whole foot and used as an adult. Another is “Tedak Usuu” throughout the hand, and “Tedak Hapii” in the thigh. According rumor, so that children who don’t move tattooed, big dimples placed over his body. If the child is crying, crying accompanied by the strains of a special tone(Source, Adi Rosa).
The Borneo Tribal Tattoo Designs | Modern Tattoo Designs Inspired by Borneo Tattoos [FOTO]
The Borneo Tribal Tattoo Designs | Modern Tattoo Designs Inspired by Borneo Tattoos [FOTO]
The Borneo Tribal Tattoo Designs | Modern Tattoo Designs Inspired by Borneo Tattoos [FOTO]
The Borneo Tribal Tattoo Designs | Modern Tattoo Designs Inspired by Borneo Tattoos [FOTO]
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