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Bus Trailer Super Mewah ada Jacuzzi sampai Garasi Mobil
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Celana Dan Rok yang Lagi Trend di Jepang Saat Ini
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Suer gan. ini yang PALING GOKIEL... :D
Puluhan Pelajar Bandung Nyambi Jadi PSK
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Menurut aktivis LSM Cemara, Eli, dari 200 PSK yang ditangani, sebanyak 20 orang ternyata masih berstatus pelajar SMA aktif. Mereka tersebar di sekolah-sekolah Kota Bandung.
"Dari 200 wanita pekerja seks (WPS),20 orang berstatus pelajar SMA aktif. Usianya rata-rata sekitar 16-17," kata Eli kepada wartawan di Restoran BMC Bandung, Selasa (15/6/2010) siang.
Eli mengatakan, data tersebut diperoleh dari hasil penyuluhan yang mereka lakukan secara rutin, di tempat mangkal mereka. Mereka biasanya di antaranya di kawasan Cihampelas, Braga, Dago, dan Stasiun Bandung.
"Kami rutin seminggu dua kali jemput bola ke tempat mereka mangkal. Kami melakukan penyuluhan mengenai bahaya HIV AIDS agar mereka bebas dari kegiatan eksploitasi anak," kata Eli.
Lebih jauh Eli mengatakan, para pelajar SMA tersebut rata-rata terjerumus menjadi PSK karena pergaulan bebas dengan pacar. Meski rutin melakukan penyuluhan, kata dia, sampai saat ini mereka masih melakukan aktivitas tersebut.
"Memang tidak setiap hari. Rata-rata mereka melakukannya satu atau dua kali dalam satu bulan," kata Eli.
Eli menambahkan, ke-20 pelajar SMA tersebut tidak terlibat dalam jaringan. Mereka masing-masing berjalan sendiri-sendiri. "Memang, ada juga yang sudah saling mengenal. Tapi mereka tidak terlibat jaringan, dan berjalan sendiri-sendiri," tandas Eli
Catatan: Ini artikel direpost dari sumber. buat berbagi informasi...
Ada ada Aja Gan !! Anggota DPR juga Butuh Pesawat Jet Pribadi !!
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Politikus asal PAN itu diberitakan meminta pesawat Garuda GA239 menunggu dirinya karena terlambat sampai ke bandara. Bahkan, ada kabar yang mengatakan bahwa, Bapak Wakil Rakyat ini sempat meminta pesawat yang sudah hendak take off itu kembali untuk menjemputnya!
Alasannya ada acara penting yang harus dihadiri di Jakarta. Dan, ternyata acara penting itu adalah menghadiri acara buka bersama Presiden SBY dengan partai-parti politik di kediaman sang Presiden di Cikeas.
“Seharusnya pesawat berangkat pukul 12:50 WIB. Tapi, karena merasa terjebak macet, bapak wakil ketua DPR menelepon petugas di bandara supaya menunggu terlebih dahulu, “ujar Senior Manager Public Relation Garuda Indonesia Iksan Rosan. Dengan alasan demi pelayanan terbaik kepada konsumen, Garuda bersedia menunggu. Padahal sesuai dengan aturan check-in sudah ditutup 30 menit sebelum pesawat take-off. Sampai lewat batas waktu tersebut Taufik tetap belum muncul juga. (Jawa Pos, 06/09/2010).
“GA 239 harus terbang pukul 12.50 WIB dan check-in sudah ditutup 30 menit sebelumnya. Pak Taufik meminta kita menunggu,” kata Vice President Corporate Communication Garuda Indonesia, Pujobroto (, 05/09/2010).
Kabar tentang Taufik meminta pesawat yang sudah hendak take-off kembali menjemputnya disampaikan juga oleh koleganya sendiri, Alvin Lie, melalui Twitter-nya. Di-Twitt-nya, Alvin menulis pesawat memang tidak balik lagi, namun sudah ada niat dan keinginan Taufik untuk meminta pesawat kembali.
Pesawat Garuda dikabarkan terpaksa menunggunya sampai jam 12:50 WIB, tetapi karena belum juga tiba, pesawat tetap berangkat pukul 12:53 WIB. Sang Wakil Rakyat pun harus menunggu pesawat Garuda berikutnya yang berangkat pukul 14.50 WIB
Semua berita tentang dirinya meminta pesawat Garuda menunggunya, bahkan hendak meminta pesawat kembali menjemputnya, dibantah oleh sekjen PAN ini.
Tribun, menulis bantahan tersebut: Taufik menegaskan, sebagai mantan Ketua Komisi V yang juga membidangi transportasi dan serta mantan Ketua Pansus RUU Penerbangan, paham betul mengenai aturan penerbangan.
Taufik menegaskan, sebagai mantan Ketua Komisi V yang juga membidangi transportasi dan serta mantan Ketua Pansus RUU Penerbangan, paham betul mengenai aturan penerbangan.
“Saya paham bahwa siapapun tidak bisa meminta pesawat untuk kembali ke landasan, apalagi sekedar untuk melayani permintaan seseorang untuk ikut terbang seperti itu. Jadi tidak benar sama sekali pemberitaan tersebut,” ujarnya.
Masuk akal juga argumennya. Tetapi siapa pun tahu, bahwa untuk para pejabat kita berlaku prinsip: aturan boleh aturan, mengerti aturan boleh-boleh saja, tetapi bukankah melanggar aturan karena merasa berada di atas aturan pun bukan sesuatu yang langka di negeri ini?
Apakah mungkin kalau Taufik sama sekali tidak berulah seperti itu, pihak Garuda, dan juga koleganya di PAN, Alvin Lie memberi informasi ini? Apakah mereka kurang kerjaan sampai mau buat gosip?
Masakan ada asap, tidak ada api?
Sebaiknya Taufik segera meminta klarifikasi kepada pihak Garuda dan Alvin Lie yang telah “mencemarkan” namanya itu.
Atau, barangkali DPR perlu juga membikin proyek baru, setelah rencana pembangunan gedung baru DPR Rp 1,8 triliun?
Yakni setiap anggota DPR difasilitasi dengan sebuah pesawat jet pribadi? Jadi negara harus beli lagi 560 pesawat jet pribadi untuk para wakil kita yang sangat mau dihormati ini? Alasannya supaya mereka tidak terlambat, berkinerja meningkat dan optimal? ***
Mo Dibawa Kemana Gan!! Mo Dibawa Kemana Negara INI??? jadi ingat lagu gaaan hehehe
Inilah Proyek Besar untuk Memerangi Pemanasan Global !! Cekisdot..!!
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1. CO2 CubesDi dirikan pada 7 Desember, 2009 pukul 17:30 di Tycho Brahe Planetarium di Copenhagen, CO2 Cubes: adalah pameran seni multimedia hidup yang bertujuan untuk mengubah persepsi masyarakat tentang perubahan iklim dan untuk mendapatkan solusi yang berkelanjutan. Cube CO2 dibangun dengan ukuran yang besar satu metrik ton CO2 (1 ton CO2 = 8m ³). Terdiri atas sebuah bangunan tiga lantai. Proyek interaktif ini mendidik orang untuk mencegah karbon dioksida yang berlebihan di atmosfer yang diakibatkan aktivitas manusia.
2. Ice Bear SculptureDalam upaya untuk mengirimkan pesan yang kuat pada perubahan iklim, Mark Coreth, seorang pematung master hewan bergerak, mengukir patung beruang berukuran 1,8 meter di Kongens Nytory Square di Kopenhagen, Denmark. Dikenal sebagai Ice Bear, proyek ini akan berusaha untuk mencerahkan pemikiran orang tentang bagaimana pemanasan global dan perubahan iklim mempengaruhi penduduk Arktik. Tinggi patung beruang kutub akan cocok dengan ketipisan rata-rata laut es mengambang (seperti diungkapkan oleh Catlin Arktik Survey) di Samudra Arktik tepat.
3. Treehugger ProjectSeniman Agnieszka Gradzik dan Wiktor Szostalo menggunakan bahan organik untuk membuat anyaman-orang yang memeluk pohon. Huggers ini secara harfiah berarti populasi dunia. Beberapa orang menemukan memeluk pohon kesepian di pameran "Pohon Lonely, Lonely People", sementara yang lain menunggu kesempatan mereka untuk menunjukkan kasih mereka kepada pohon sendirian.
4. The Melting MenThe Melting Man oleh seniman Nele Azevedo Brazil digambarkan bagaimana topi glasial di Greenland dan Antartika cepat menghilang. Ditempatkan pada lapangan Gendarmenmarkt pusat, Berlin, patung adalah spesimen seni perubahan iklim.
5. Living LightSebuah façade bangunan futuristik dikenal sebagai Living Light adalah paviliun outdoor permanen di Taman Perdamaian, di Stadion Piala Dunia di Seoul, Korea. Tidak hanya menampilkan kualitas udara di wilayah ini, tetapi juga menggambarkan jika suatu hari akan lebih baik atau lebih buruk daripada hari yang sama pada tahun lalu. Desainer Soo-in Yang dan David Benjamin telah melakukan pekerjaan yang patut dipuji dalam menciptakan ini permata dari patung.
6. Solar Peace SculptureFred Georges baru-baru ini men disain model 8,75 kaki (2,6 meter) dari Solar Peace Sculpture di FOX Hotel, terletak di Jarmers Plads 3, di Kopenhagen pada 10-20 Desember 2009. Di mana patung yang asli adalah sebuah raksasa 50 kaki (15,24 meter) menunjukkan barel minyak, panel surya, dan pusat media interaktif, replika menirukan mantan sepenuhnya.
7. The CloudStruktur yang sangat besar ini terdiri dari kolom pusat filigri, hasil perlombaan Olimpiade dan nomor penonton di Taman Olimpiade. The Cloud, yang disusun oleh tim internasional arsitek, seniman dan insinyur, akan menampilkan menara interlocked yang mempunyai tinggi 400 kaki. Didukung dengan berbagai gelembung plastik solar powered, yang benar-benar off-grid-struktur akan menjadi sebuah dek observasi dan taman juga. Itu shortlisted dalam kompetisi yang diatur oleh Walikota London Boris Johnson.8. The Canary ProjectProyek Canary ingin menyampaikan pesan tentang perubahan iklim dengan menggunakan media seni dari segala jenis. Memanfaatkan cara visual, seperti fotografi profesional, performance art, fashion dan desain grafis, organisasi nirlaba vokal menyebar pesan hijau pada perubahan iklim.
Gedung Unik di Spanyol !! Seperti Ombak Laut !! (+pic)
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Atap dari logam seperti merenggang di cakrawala, memuncak di tengah. Shadow treatment dibutuhkan dalam gerakan ini. Riak berombak-ombak pada bagian belakang gedung. Dinding kayu yang tipis sedikit berombak pada sebagian struktur ini. Proses pembuatan anggur dimulai di salah satu ujung gedung dan berakhir pada yang lain. Pintu masuk pengunjung pada puncak mengarah depan mudah untuk keluar di belakang untuk kebun-kebun anggur.
Struktur ini cocok ditempat yang subur seperti di pegunungan Sierra de Cantabria. Situs perubahan vertikal 10m dari satu ujung ke ujung dalam area gedung ini 8.000 m2.
Sadiss Gaaan!! Shocking VIDEO!! Kebrutalan Polisi Menyiksa Nenek Tak Bersalah Sampai Berdarah darah [FULL FOTO]
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hehehe, berhubung kisahnya panjang banget dan kebetulan saya lagi malas menterjemahkannya alias bingung maklum belepotan gak doyan keju maka saya upload dengan bahasa aslinya saja bahasa inggris, silahkan monggo gan..
Lifted like a rag doll and hurled into cell: Shocking video of police brutality… on 5ft 2in tall woman, 59, found asleep in car. Captured on film, a burly police sergeant flings an innocent 5ft 2in woman on to a concrete floor, knocking her unconscious.
By the time the then 57-year-old market researcher Pamela Somerville comes round several minutes later, blood is streaming from a wound above her left eye. Disorientated and bewildered, she manages to lift herself off the floor, but can only stagger around the room.
Nightmare: Pamela Somerville yesterday, left, and with a blood-spattered shirt and black eye after her ordeal
Blood forms in small pools at her feet. Then she presses an intercom and cries: ‘I’m hurt, please, please help me.’
The incident, in the sleepy Wiltshire market town of Melksham, will inevitably stoke debate about the deteriorating relationship between the public and the police following the death of newspaper vendor Ian Tomlinson, pushed to the ground by a police officer during last year’s G20 protests.
Unlike that case, however, the officer involved – 6ft 3in, powerfully built former soldier Mark Andrews – was brought before a court. Earlier this summer, Sergeant Andrews, 37, was convicted of assaulting Ms Somerville on a July morning two years ago.
He had denied the charge, but was found guilty at Oxford Magistrates’ Court after a five-day trial. He will be sentenced on Tuesday when he faces up to six months in jail. CCTV footage of the incident obtained by The Mail on Sunday also shows Andrews dragging a terrified Ms Somerville across the floor.
‘Barbaric’: Pamela Sommerville is dragged into a cell and then flung into a cell, spilling blood on the floor
It was, she says, the first time she had been inside a police station. Not having had ‘so much as a parking ticket before’ it was also her first encounter of any kind with the police. ‘I am just an ordinary, middle-aged, middle-class Miss Goody Two-Shoes. I had done absolutely nothing wrong,’ she said.
‘What happened to me was extraordinary, terrifying, and no one should ever be treated in the same way again, no matter what they are said to have done. ‘It’s the kind of thing that might go on in a tin-pot dictatorship in Latin America, maybe, but not in rural Wiltshire.’
Police took Ms Somerville into custody after she spent the night asleep in her car in a rural lane. They say she was arrested because she refused to provide a breath sample – something she strongly denies. Although she was later charged, the police dropped the case against her.
It should be stated that despite her harrowing experience, privately educated Ms Somerville, who has a degree in microbiology from Warwick University, is not consumed with hatred of the police. ‘There are good and bad apples everywhere,’ she offers magnanimously.
Pamela Somerville is brought into the police station for her first encounter with Sergeant Mark Andrews
Andrews moves from behind the desk and grabs Pamela by the arm As Pamela shouts out in protest, Andrews drags her across the floor
Andrews appears to have Pamela in a strong hold, as another officer follows behind, Pamela has walked back from her cell and is grabbed by Andrews
One of the key prosecution witnesses, in fact, was a female officer, PC Rachel Webb, who witnessed what happened and made an immediate complaint. It is understood she has now been recommended for a commendation. Ms Somerville, now 59, who lives with her partner, John, in the hamlet of North Colerne, Wiltshire, says she still suffers consequences from the assault.
She says she will need a cataract operation, the direct result of the trauma she suffered. ‘My vision is still affected, it’s as if I am looking through a cloud,’ she said. ‘And the whole of the left side of my face is now lower than the right, like a stroke victim.
‘The emotional and physical trauma of the past two years has not been easy to deal with. Had I been beaten up by a gang of thugs in a busy city centre, I think I would have been able to come to terms with being a victim a lot sooner.’
Ms Somerville’s story began on the evening of July 3, 2008. She arrived home from work as normal and, after dinner, became embroiled in an argument with a mobile phone company over a disputed bill. It left her ‘stressed’ and she told John that she was going to stay the night at her daughter’s house in London.
Pamela refuses to move in protest at not being told what is going on. Andrews puts her in an arm lock and she falls to the ground, Andrews drags Pamela across the floor of the station’s custody suite
Andrews pushes her violently through the cell door, and she falls on her face on to the bare concrete, Andrews turns away as Pamela – circled – hits her head on the hard ground, knocking her unconscious and causing lasting damage
Pamela regains consciousness after her ‘barbaric’ treatment, and struggles to raise herself off the cell floor, At last, rubbing the wound above her left eye, which she says is still affecting her vision, she manages to stand upright
‘I just wanted to get in my car and drive. My car is a safe haven, somewhere where I listen to music and relax,’ she said. She pulled over into a lay-by 150 yards from her house on a country lane and rang her daughter. During the course of a long conversation, she decided against making the lengthy drive to London.
Instead she wound down the windows, listened to a Van Morrison CD and rang some friends, eventually draining the phone’s battery. At some point she fell asleep, and awoke at around 1.30am to find her car battery was also flat because she had left the heater on full blast.
Despite being so close to home, she decided to remain in the car until daylight because she didn’t want to leave her work computer and confidential documents inside. ‘It had been drilled into us at work never to let these things out of our sight,’ she said.
Ms Somerville readily admits that her decision to remain in the car overnight will be seen as odd, if not bizarre – but she is adamant she had neither been drinking nor was under the influence of drugs. ‘I appreciate it will seem strange, particularly for a woman of my age.
‘But I can sleep on a washing line. Even though I wasn’t far from home I would have had to walk along a dark and pot-holed country lane. ‘I thought it would be better to stay put.’ She said she had had a ‘minor’ argument with her partner, and admits: ‘I couldn’t go back because I didn’t want to lose face with John after storming out the way I did.’
Pamela is clearly in distress as blood starts coming from the wound, forming in small, scattered pools at her feet, Disoriented, Pamela sits on the simple bed in the cell, the padded matress behind her, and cries out for help through the intercom
After hearing Pamela’s desperate pleas, Andrews appears again, striding over the blood on the floor to attend to his injured prisoner, Finally Andrews shows some sympathy, and crouches down beside Pamela, putting his gloved hand to her injured forehead
A doctor enters the cell and examines Pamela’s injuries before the paramedics are called
She awoke at around 8.30am and, after getting out of the car, saw a female community police officer walking towards her. ‘I was delighted to see her,’ said Ms Somerville. ‘I asked her if she had some jump leads but she walked off as if to make a call.’ Within
minutes a patrol car pulled up alongside her Mercedes estate and two police officers, one male and one female, got out. ‘I asked if they had brought the jump leads but they simply said, “Shut up. We are the f****** police.” Then they pushed me on to the back of the car, pushed my arms up high behind my back and handcuffed me very roughly.
‘I was astounded and assumed it was a case of mistaken identity. One of the officers was particularly aggressive and kept telling me to shut up when I asked what was happening.’ Wiltshire Police said yesterday that she was arrested for failing to provide a sample for a breath test after the officers suspected she was drunk in charge of a car.
Ms Somerville disputes this version of events, denies she had been drinking and insists she was never told why she was being arrested. ‘I would have been blissfully happy to do a breath test. It was akin to something out of an American detective show like Hawaii Five-0,’ she said.
‘I thought there might have been an incident in the area and they thought I was somehow involved. Either that or they thought I had drugs because I had been in the car all night and look young for my age. At this stage, I still thought that everything would be cleared up quickly.’
Ms Somerville admits she became angry and abusive when the two officers repeatedly refused to explain why they wanted to take her to a police station. ‘I came out with a few choice expletives when they kept telling me to shut up, and the male officer used the F-word again when I told him he was making a mistake.’
It was on arrival at Melksham police station, where cameras are installed in the custody suite and holding cells, that Ms Somerville first encountered Sgt Andrews. CCTV footage shows Ms Somerville flanked by two officers as she stands handcuffed at the front desk at around 10.20am.
An edited version of the film was later used in evidence against Andrews. There is some sound, but only at the start, and the timings at the bottom of the screen appear to be out of sequence in places. Before taking her to a cell, Andrews shouts from behind his desk: ‘Oh shut up. Listen to me. You are in my custody now and you will be quiet and you will listen. Do you understand?’
Ms Somerville admits shouting at the officer, but only because he would not explain why she had been arrested. She was then taken to a cell. ‘I was starting to become very frightened by then,’ she said. Around an hour later, Ms Somerville was visited by a police doctor.
‘I was relieved to see him when he introduced himself because I thought he’d have more intelligence than the officers who’d been dealing with me,’ she said. ‘I told him, “Thank God, at last I can speak to someone with a brain and get this nightmare sorted out.”
‘But when he started putting on a pair of disposable gloves and said he couldn’t tell me anything, I thought he was going to strip search me, so I walked past him and out of the cell.’ Ms Somerville, who is eight stone, encountered Andrews outside. She recalls ‘being lifted up under the arms like a doll by Sgt Andrews and thrown headfirst back into the cell’.
He then slammed the door shut and left her unconscious on the floor. ‘I still find it hard to watch the images of me staggering to my feet with blood pouring from a head wound because I can remember how terrified I was,’ she said. ‘I could have died.
‘It seems utterly barbaric that an innocent person could be treated in such a horrific and violent way and then left alone, the fact that someone may even have been watching the CCTV footage of me not moving on the floor.’ Later that morning, police eventually called paramedics who took Ms Somerville to the Royal United Hospital in Bath.
‘I can remember trying to explain to the paramedics that I didn’t understand why I was there,’ she said. ‘When they saw blood coming from my mouth, they put the sirens on and I was taken straight into A&E. I thought to myself, “This is it, Pam. You’re going to die.” I was still concussed.’
During the several hours she spent in hospital she was kept in handcuffs and accompanied by two police officers, despite protests from nurses. ‘The officers at the hospital wouldn’t let me call my partner, or anyone. I said it was my right and they replied that it might be like that on American TV programmes but not here.’
After the gash above her eyes was stitched and her head X-rayed, she was driven back to the police station. ‘My eye was still bleeding and one of the officers told me off because he would have to clean the blood off the back seat of the car,’ she said.
Soon after returning, at 6.45pm, she was charged with failing to provide a specimen of breath and released on bail. Officers told her she would have to take a taxi home but when she started vomiting outside the station, they called an ambulance and she was taken back to hospital.
Her partner John, who still thought she was staying at her daughter’s, was eventually told about her whereabouts by a community policeman, who told him she had been arrested and was injured. ‘John burst into tears when he saw me at the hospital covered in blood with my eye closed and swollen,’ Ms Somerville said.
‘I was so relieved to be free that even though the hospital wanted me to stay in and have a blood transfusion, I signed a disclaimer and told John to take me home.’ At his Wiltshire home yesterday, Sgt Andrews declined to comment. He sped off in a Honda Civic, the hood of his anorak pulled tightly around his face.
In a statement, Assistant Chief Constable Patrick Geenty said: ‘The court has heard from a number of witnesses in connection with an incident within the custody suite at Melksham police station two years ago which resulted in a 57-year-old woman sustaining an injury to her head.
‘We are very concerned when anyone is injured while in our custody and the court has decided that this injury was as a result of a criminal assault by Sgt Mark Andrews, a member of Wiltshire Police who was performing duty as a custody sergeant at the time.
‘We respect the decision of the court and the force has formally apologised to the injured lady for the assault she suffered while in our care. ‘The incident was reported by another police officer within the custody centre who was concerned at what had taken place.
‘The officer found herself in a very difficult situation created by her own supervisor but performed her duty to the highest standards in bringing this unacceptable incident to the attention of another supervisor.
‘As soon as the incident was brought to attention, the officer concerned was removed from public-facing duties and the incident was voluntarily referred to the Independent Police Complaints Commission who decided they would be satisfied with a local investigation by the force itself.
‘This investigation resulted in a file being sent to the CPS which led to the trial of Sgt Andrews. ‘The public have a right to expect that the police will always act with their safety and welfare as their first priority.
‘This is especially so when in police custody and considerable effort and importance is placed on ensuring that processes, systems, training and staff attitude is directed towards facing up to that responsibility. ‘Some 16,000 people a year are dealt with in police custody centres in Wiltshire and the public will understand that this environment is a very difficult one with hostility, conflict, violence towards staff and unpredictability.
‘That does not excuse any unacceptable or unlawful behaviour by police officers or staff but it is important to put this difficult job into context. ‘Since this incident two years ago, in excess of 30,000 people have been dealt with in custody centres in Wiltshire.
‘During that time there have been no further serious assaults of this nature but there have been a total of 13 complaints of assault, none of which were substantiated following investigation. ‘No matter how good our systems and training, it is impossible to give a 100 per cent assurance that acceptable guidelines will never, on occasion, be broken.’
Video Youtube Police Brutality – Serious Assault On 59-yr-old Woman – Blood EverywhereVideo Youtube Police Brutality – Serious Assault On 59-yr-old Woman – Blood Everywhere
Subhanallah gan !! 8 Keajaiban di Atas Meja Operasi !!
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Bagaimana rasanya bila wajah 'ditumpangi' oleh sebuah benjolan seberat 8 kg? Setidaknya hal inilah yang pernah dialami oleh Marlie Casseus. Hidup gadis ini normal-normal saja hingga usianya menginjak angka 14. Sejak diserang sebuah penyakit aneh, wajah gadis ini jadi susah dikenali dan parahnya, tampak sangat menyeramkan. Akibatnya bukan hanya rasa sakit secara fisik saja yang harus dideritanya, namun juga penderitaan batin karena penolakan lingkungan sekitar. Penyakit genetik yang tergolong langka ini membuat tulang penderitanya jadi bengkak dan melunak seperti jeli. Tak sampai di situ saja, tekanan tumor pada rongga mata juga telah menyebabkan kebutaan pada penglihatan Marlie.
Untungnya, sebuah organisasi sosial Haiti "Good Samaritan' terketuk hatinya untuk mengulurkan tangan. Setelah diboyong ke Amerika Serikat, dan bertemu dengan para dokter di Jackson Memorial Medical Center (Miami), Marlie memiliki kesempatan untuk sembuh. Melalui bantuan dana yang datang dari seluruh penjuru dunia, Marlie menjalani operasi selama 17 jam agar tumor di wajahnya bisa disingkirkan. Hasilnya? Tak ada lagi beban berat di wajah Marlie.
Chad dan Keri McCartney benar-benar serius saat mengatakan puteri mereka lahir 2 kali. Bagaimana bisa? Saat itu usia kandungan Keri memasuki minggu ke-23. Keri dan keluarga kemudian memutuskan untuk mencari tahu jenis kelamin sang bayi. Hasil pemeriksaan tersebut membuat mereka shock, sebab dokter menemukan adanya tumor besar yang tumbuh dari tulang ekor sang janin.
Mau tak mau, calon bayi perempuan ini harus dioperasi. Kelahiran pertama bayi ini terjadi saat para ahli bedah mengambil janin mungil ini dari dalam rahim Keri untuk menyingkirkan tumor yang bisa membunuhnya, bahkan sebelum ia dilahirkan. Sepuluh minggu setelah operasi, Macie kecil lahir lagi dengan sehat dan siap menyambut dunia baru.
Gadis separuh otak
Jessie Hall masih menduduki bangku TK saat ia harus menjalani operasi pengangkatan sebagian otaknya. Jessie mulai mengalami serangan pertama dari penyakitnya saat ia sedang asyik makan sandwich di rumahnya di Texas. Serangan kedua terjadi saat ia sedang sekolah, seiring dengan itu serangan rasa sakit yang ada semakin meningkat. Setelah diperiksakan, barulah ketahuan bahwa Jessie menderita radang otak Ramussen, sejenis peradangan yang memakan bagian otak seseorang. Operasi Jessie dilakukan 2 tahun silam, tepatnya tanggal 11 Juni 2008, di Johns Hopkins Children's Center oleh ahli bedah ternama, Ben Carson,M.D. Kini gadis itu bisa menikmati kembali keceriaan lazimnya anak-anak kecil lainnya, meski dengan separuh bagian otak saja.
Namanya Lakshmi, lahir dengan 4 tangan, 4 kaki, dan kelebihan beberapa organ dalam. Operasi pengangkatan kelebihan tangan dan kakinya berjalan sukses di India. Hanya butuh waktu 27 jam (meleset dari perkiraan semula yang diperkirakan 40 jam) untuk menjadikan penampilan fisik gadis 3 tahun ini sama normalnya seperti gadis lain. Para dokter mengatakan bahwa Lakshmi takkan mungkin bertahan hidup melewati masa remajanya jika dia tak segera menjalani operasi.[break]
Kecelakaan mobil yang menimpa Katrina Burgess (18) telah mengubah hidup dan juga tubuhnya. Dokter bahkan mengatakan bahwa kecil kemungkinan bagi gadis muda tersebut untuk bisa berjalan lagi, mengingat musibah tabrakan tersebut telah mematahkan leher dan punggungnya. Namun, setelah menjalani operasi dengan 11 sambungan logam pada area punggungnya, Katrina malah menandatangani kontrak kerja dengan sebuah agen model.
Katrina mengalami kecelakaan dalam perjalanan pulangnya ke Weymoth, Dorset. Saat itu punggungnya terbanting keras, hingga menusuk kedua paru-parunya. Lehernya patah, demikian juga dengan tulang panggul, kaki kiri, dan beberapa tulang rusuknya. Untuk membenahi kerusakan parah dalam tubuhnya, para ahli bedah memasang batang logam sambungan yang diamankan dengan 4 jepit titanium, mulai dari pinggul hingga lutut kirinya, sehari setelah dia dibawa ke RS.
Operasi lain yang lebih berisiko datang saat mereka membedah punggungnya dan memasukkan 6 logam sambungan untuk menyangga tulang belakangnya. Seminggu kemudian, punggungnya kembali dibedah agar para dokter bisa memasang sekrup titanium untuk menopang lehernya yang patah. Hanya butuh sehari setelah operasi terakhirnya, dan Katrina bisa berjalan kembali. Ajaibnya lagi, 5 bulan setelah kecelakaan, remaja berpostur kurus tinggi ini dinyatakan sembuh total dan dia tidak lagi membutuhkan obat penghilang rasa sakit.
Apa jadinya bila tubuh seseorang tak diwarnai dengan indahnya irama degupan jantung? Kita semua tahu jawabnya, dia pasti meninggal dunia. Ajaibnya, hal ini tak terjadi pada D'Zhana Simmons, gadis 15 tahun yang senang saat dirinya memiliki kesempatan untuk menerima transplantasi jantung. Namun, kesenangan tersebut berubah menjadi mimpi buruk saat jantung barunya tak berfungsi dengan baik.
Para dokter pun dibuat bingung, jantung lama telah dibuang, jantung baru tak memenuhi syarat. Lalu, bagaimana gadis berkulit gelap ini bisa bertahan tanpa donor baru? Akhirnya mereka menggunakan pengganti jantung sementara, 2 pompa buatan untuk menjaga aliran darah tetap lancar. Baru 4 bulan kemudian, D'Zhana menerima donor jantung baru, dan ia pun bisa kembali hidup secara normal.
Adalah pilihan berat bagi orang tua saat mereka harus memilih salah satu dari anaknya, dan 'membunuh' anaknya yang lain. Hal inilah yang pernah dihadapi oleh Shannon dan Mike Gimbel. Para dokter mengatakan bahwa mereka harus memilih salah satu dari janin kembar mereka, sebab jika tidak maka keduanya akan mati. Para dokter di Swedish Medical Center mendiagnosa si kembar Gimbel terkena sindrom TTTS (Twin-To-Twin Syndrome), kondisi di mana pembuluh darah keduanya menyatu. Sulit untuk memisahkan janin dengan kondisi demikian, namun jika mereka dibiarkan tetap hidup pun, kemungkinan besar mereka berdua takkan bertahan. Jadi, mereka disarankan untuk 'meniadakan' janin yang paling lemah.
Saat sedang bergumul, datanglah tawaran ajaib dari seorang Dr. Kent Heyborne. Bekerja sama dengan berbagai ahli bedah dari Utah, si kembar disarankan untuk dibedah dengan menggunakan laser. Shannon mengatakan dirinya masih ingat bagaimana dia menahan nafas saat suster menggunakan alat ultrasound untuk memeriksa detak jantung setelah pembedahan. Satu detakan ditemukan,....kemudian satu lagi. Hore, keduanya, Reese dan McKenna Gimbel berhasil bertahan hidup dan lahir di Swedia 2 bulan setelah itu.
Jika banyak wanita melakukan bedah wajah karena terlihat ingin lebih mancung, cantik, dan sebagainya, namun tidak demikian dengan Connie. Wanita 47 tahun ini menjalani bedah plastik karena ia membutuhkan wajah baru, setelah wajah lamanya rusak karena ditembak oleh suaminya sendiri. Wajah baru Connie memang terlihat sedikit kaku, namun dengannya dia masih bisa bicara, tersenyum, dan merasakan nikmatnya rasa makanan yang disantap. Meski bicaranya agak susah dimengerti, namun keluarganya cukup terharu saat membandingkan kondisi wajah Connie sebelum dan sesudah pembedahan.
Connie ditembak oleh Thomas, suaminya, pada tahun 2004. Akibat perbuatannya tersebut, Thomas diganjar hukuman 7 tahun. Namun, sejak itu, kehidupan dan wajah Connie berubah drastis. Ia harus menjalani 30 operasi untuk mendapatkan kembali hidung, pipi, mata, dan mulutnya, sebab yang tersisa dari penembakan tersebut hanyalah kelopak mata bagian atas, dahi, bibir bawah, dan dagu. Hasilnya? Anda lihat sendiri.
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