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Being a journalist, Agni Pratistha Many complained
Being a news search does not appear to desire Agni Pratistha. However, due to overdo 'nyemplung', Puteri Indonesia 2006 is now practice it with pleasure. While working in the world of writing and photographing it requires mental as well, especially when the deadline arrives. Journalistic pressure is experienced also by girl.
"Yeah, I feel the deadline, because I was also right to edit posts of people," she said.
Even in reality, not a few problems arise from working in the field of journalism. Such as in social life. Is Agni Prastistha also feel disturbed?
"You could say I now prefer the job, but because I love baseball problem. Indeed many of the complaints as well. But it's personal satisfaction, sometimes to the health as well, the doctor merely become, stress. Sometimes dreams just think, "she said when met on Thursday at the Gallery Lounge, Pejaten, South Jakarta.
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